At Rite One, we are proud to announce our "Joy Projects" initiative. We pledge to offer 20% of project and technology consulting services time to Episcopal churches, schools, and organizations PRO-BONO (free or at a significantly lower cost). We are actively seeking to partner with Episcopal communities where the need is much greater than the available resources.
You DO NOT need a specific project in mind to begin the application process. Part of our role is to help your leadership team to identify the best project for your church, school, or organization. By design, we do not set onerous guidelines for a project application. We want to help Episcopal communities to dream, discern, and decide. The most crucial expectation we have for Joy Project recipients is that their leadership team is 100% behind the project and is willing to be active and engaged partners with our Rite One Consulting team in helping make excellence happen.
For Episcopal communities interested in applying for a Joy Project, we ask you to fill out the interest form. A member of our team will contact you for a preliminary conversation. A more formal but simple application process will follow if you decide to proceed with a Joy Project application. Our goal is to work on at least one Joy Project each quarter. However, pending on the scope of projects and our available resources, we will strive to add additional Joy Projects quarterly. Please note: Clergy Coaching services are not eligible for Joy Projects.
We invite you to visit the "Joy Projects" webpage.
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